
Sep 21, 2004

2nd Round Indonesia President Election

Baca di, tempointeractive, dan new york times, semua kasi update bahwa sampai saat ini SBY sudah punya 60.5% suara penduduk Indonesia. Si Ibu kita pegang 40%.
KPU belum selesai hitung... There are 150million Indonesians registered to vote...yet, some are "GOLPUT" or white party :), being neutral or being ignorant or simply don't know who to choose.
Hey, our votes are not yet counted...the Indonesians who reside abroad. The Indonesian Embassy at DC informed that the official counting would be this Thursday. I hope our envelopes, 2 votes for SBY :), will be counted!!!
Well, Abdes and I have the same opinion: it does not mean that SBY is our perfect president.... but instead of Megawati with her greedy tricky husband *aren't all politicians supposed to be greedy and tricky!! yikes...*
We look forward to seeing the final result!

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