
Feb 26, 2005

For the Ladies.... it's our health

If you are 18 years or older, or have been sexually active, I'd like to remind you to undergo several tests to make sure you have healthy reproductive system. Since the organs are inside of us, we rarely thought about the health. Yet we do not want to end up having infectious diseases caused by our sexual behavior, or even worse... have cervic cancer, infertile, which will not only harm our physical but also our psychological.

First, take chlamydia test (to screen chlamydia infection, the asymptomatic, yet very infectious, but easy to be treated).
If you have many sexual partners, do it every six months. It is much better, if all partners undergo the test as the disease can be reciprocically spread if it is not treated. You have only single faithful partner? Both of you should do the test once. If the result is positive, both of you should receive medication. Otherwise, you can be relax and keep the faithful relationship.

Second, take Pap smear (to screen abnormalities in your cervic).
The test should be done as soon as you are sexually active, or at age 21. Do it every three years, especially if you have multiple sexual partners and other risky behaviors (e.g. smoking). Consult with health professionals for the frequency of Pap smear that best fits you.

Third, if you are over 40, it is time for mammogram (screening for breast cancer) every 1-2 years. Younger women may be required to take this test if you have high risks, e.g. genetic (someone in the family had breast cancer).

Pap smear and mammogram may sound simple and do not cost much, but remember the consequences if they result positive. It may be true or false positive. Some cervic or breasts abnormalities may never develop as a malignant cancer. Follow-up procedures and treatment are needed for any positive (true or positive) results. Beside the invasive procedures that are costly, anxiety due to the positive result indeed can tear us down.

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