
Mar 9, 2005

Celebrating International Women's Day

It should be realized that women have the power to change the world! Fighting the poverty, disease control, build the politic and economy; their outcomes will be much better if women are more empowered.

The problem is, women often experience inequalities in the society. They are lack of power to voice their needs, needs of education, health services, employment, social lives. They do not have equal access of opportunities as men. The gap is broader in less educated, lower economy society.

The controls to build a better future are in women's hands. More educated women are more likely to have healthier body and lifestyle, build healthy and happy family, raise healthy children, work productively; those are the individuals benefits. Imagine the aggregate effects if more and more women are more empowered, having more equal voice as men.

Last note, empowering women does not necessarily mean that women should ignore their nature as homemaker and child-bearer. Women should have functional cooperation with men, as their partners in the society and at home. Hey, who said it's easy being women?

Happy international women's day!

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