
May 14, 2008

Time to Refocus

Usually people make New Year Resolution. What about a not-so-Midyear Resolution???

Yup! I just got to remind myself that I have to reshape my goals and alter my endeavors in order to achieve them. These are my principles of re-focusing my life:


Be more discipline in doing my Sholat. No matter how sleepy I am, how cold the morning is, how lazy I feel, practicing my religion is better than anything!

Have more positive attitude. Embrace anything in this life in positive attitude; always view it from positive side. In this way, frustration can be reduced. Ambition can be smoothened to follow the flow of life.


Spouse is NUMERO UNO – family comes after. I shall respect and love my husband more and more each day, thus I will receive equal reaction (remember the physical equation à action = reaction). Yup, if we have healthy relationship with our spouse, we will build up as a solid partner to develop healthy family.

Enjoy parenthood as it comes once in a lifetime. Times in my boys’ lives are special. I enjoy every single thing I do as a mom of two little boys. I’ve talked to several other parents with grown-up kids, and they have told me that for sure, they’d like to have those times back when we can hold our babies in our arms, and never let them go.

Mom is the best chef. I got this label from my oldest son. Sure, I achieve this not by standing in the dark but by trying hard and enjoying every seconds in the kitchen. Being honest, I am not the best chef in the world. Yet, hearing my son proudly said to me, ”Mom, you’re the best chef!” is the best thing to me! So, I will be more active in the kitchen…especially I am about to have my dream kitchen of my own!!!!


Have definite objectives. I have started to have a vision book, similar to a vision board as suggested by Oprah Show (geez, I am an Oprah maniac!). I clearly write what I want, how I want, where I want.

Be more proactive. As a business owner and employer, I have to be more assertive to sell our services.

Set high standards. Successful and wealthy persons always have high standards and never lower them.

Never take NO for an answer. In business, always find ways to achieve our goals. Sure, by HALAL modes only.

Back to Spiritual and Family. If anything bad happens in work and business, remember the spiritual and work principles.


Eat consciously. Less rice, please. More veggies, lean meat and fruits J Low fat milk is also important!

Move..move…move… Get on the gym ball and do the work outs. Lie on the mattress and do those yog-ilates (yoga mixed with pilates). Shed away those flabby baby tummy in three months!!!! (yup, put high standards!)

1 comment:

D-eby said...

gosh you sure lots of things in your mind about your life. Well..I think you need to print out this list on your fridge as a reminder ;)...rajin ngepost lagi nih bu ? weh lagi bikin rumah yah...wah kalo ke bali bisa jadi tempat nginep nih...he..he..