Big rain last weekend. Floods were happening in several spots in the city, including my residence complex. Yeah, interesting....
The rain was so hard for hours in Saturday night, thus many eyes could not be closed thinking about whether the water will ruin the property. Thank goodness, ours were safe. Washing machine and tumble dryer work normally after enjoying the rain. We missed our big barrel of garbage which was floating to our neighbor. My hubby enjoyed walking through the flood in the mission to capture our garbage bin.
As I talked to several friends today, some suffered more than us due to the flood. Geez, the rain is getting harder approaching the Chinese New Year. Yet, there are no actions from local authorities to fix this problem. Hellow...anyone there?
Well, rainy or sunny, it is just the way it should be... For intermezzo, check out this announcement that my hubby found in a men's room of a local resto. Perhaps this way we can reduce the flood :)
claused itu artinya apa nir? bahasa Bali? ..ehh dapat ikan lele nyasar nggak? dulu waktu di indo seingatku kalau banjir trus surut suka banyak ikan lele terdampar..kebayang si mas nyari nyari grbage bin nih..hehehe
Disini malah lagi kurang air, air danau nyusut terus tuh
LOL...adoh gini deh kalo ngomong kloset dimencong2in...akhirnya dikira nulis yang bener ala "claused",apa kata dunia kalo begini !?
good finding !
Banjir..lagi banjir lagi ! hm..kek sekali2 banjir duit gitu yah ?!
hehehehe... yang nemu tulisan ini (dan yang mengabadikannya) adalah si Bapak. Lah nemunya di toilet laki :)
Holly: Lele nyasar? Gak ada, tuh. Untung juga gak nemu, ntar kena patilnya.
Santi: Banjir duit? I wish...I wish... Amin...
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