
Mar 17, 2010

New Tweets

Thanks to Twitter, UberTwitter and my Blackberry Bold... Posting my thoughts has became so much easier. I rarely write of my blogs as I have limited spare time to go online on my laptop, either at home or office. Work loads at office have taken my energy so much. We got less working time as Abdes and I have to drop our second son to his toddler school plus daycare. His pick-up time is at 4pm, so before that we have to depart from office. Usually, after that we go home, unless there are urgent things to be finalized on that day.

I am quite an intense Twitter. I follow Hollywood stars, mostly, my hubby and my brothers, of course! I learn how to be more popular on Twitter from @Allysa_Milano, I got celebrity updates from @RyanSeacrest, @GiulianaRancic, @IAmCattSadler, @TheOprahShow and @TheEllenShow...funny words from @ConanOBrien, even scarce updates from @rbrtpttnsn who can cure my obsession to Edward Cullen :) etc etc

So, folllow my tweets, tweeps :) @nirmalatrisna
I am more alive there!!!

It does not mean I am going to kill my blogger page. I will continue blogging, mostly for thoughts that take more than 140 characters :)

See you around!

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