
Jun 24, 2011

Friday night rants...

It's Friday night. I got numerous broadcast messages on my BBM about parties tonight. Several emails also came in promoting social events in cool hang out places.

Ah, enough talking about hang out.

It's Friday night. So what? A mom has never ending tasks to do (yet, I still can manage to sneak out and blog... the boys have just gone to bed, together, peacefully). Business work? Well, I love what I do for living, so I never think that I have been working all this time.

It's my country that I have been thinking about.

The responsible ministers who did not react sufficiently responding to the case of Ruyati, Indonesian migrant worker who was sentenced to death, and numerous workers more in the waiting line for similar case, facing similar sentence. A proof of diplomacy failure and government disability to protect the citizen. It happened just few days after our President was given a standing ovation after his speech before the ILO convention.

The corrupt government and political party personnel who ' had to take medical check to Singapore' one day after the official letter of arrest was issued. Today, Indonesian and Singaporean Ministers of Foreign Affairs had a meeting. What have been their resolution? Bring all the dirty politicians home?

The poor traffic and public transportation management. No policemen stopped children on motorbikes, even though clearly those boys and girls are too small on their motors, without helmet, while texting on their mobiles. Geez, I can imagine Oprah's reaction if she ever saw these acrobatic action... she'll make a new pledge, no phone zone on motorcycles, kiddos! Or, the 'cool father' on motorbikes, right hand on the motor grip, left hand holding a baby or toddler. Yes, it's true! Everybody can ride motor or car, and eventually have driving license. You can be color-blinded, emotionally-sick and physically-challenged, illiterate... and can have driving license. It's so cheap to get credit for motorcycles; Rp 2.5 million down, Rp 350,000 per month for three years. It is an economic-driven decision. Compare if we have to take taxi (at least Rp 20,000 or Rp 50,000 per way) or waiting for the 'ugly-but-confident' public van (the fare is at least Rp 5,000).

People can build anything, anywhere, without coordination (and permit) from local authority. As consequence, the beautiful rice paddies in my neighborhood is now under construction to build 'ruko' or some kind of strip malls. And in those small stores, people can open any kind of business. From laundry (it's booming, the cheap ones, where the laundry are dried just in front of those small stores by the street, where you jeans can wave hello to every people on the road), 'warung makan' (the small food vendors, where you can have big nutritious meal with Rp 10,000... slightly more than a USD 1), motor mechanic workshop, and other SMEs. I am not saying this is not good. This way, the grass root economy in Indonesia is stronger than...let's say in the U.S. Rent is much cheaper, selling price is lower, market share is available...

Ah, enough rants for tonight. I am just a nobody in this big country. My words won't change a thing. Only my action will affect my surroundings, not the whole community.

The mosquitoes start to bite me. Good night. Have a nice weekend.

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