Let's take a deep breath and remember what we have, and what we don't have...and be grateful for everything.
Getar is a teenager now, with his changing voice and cool act. He turns out to be super great at his classical piano lesson. Hubby and I often could not believe how talented he is, knowing the fact that neither of us can play piano, let alone classical one. He is now in preparation to enter middle school. His final grades are well, though not super excellent. Alarik, the middle boy, now starts to act like one. He tries to be a big boy, but wants the attention of a baby. He cannot stay still for a moment. One second he is Ben10, next he is Mr. Bean, then Oggy or Joey from Oggy and the Cockroaches. He'll be in kindergarten next month.
Our baby girl is now 9 weeks old. She is a happy healthy baby, loves to be fed all the time, sleep the whole night between hubby and I, and she rarely gets cranky. Her big brothers just love her dearly. They always try to make Amaira awakes, only to see her stares, smiles, burps, and so on. She goes with us everyday to work. Thank goodness that we were able to hire a nanny for Amaira, who really makes our lives more manageable and enjoyable. The arrangement was just perfect. We do not want to have a live-in nanny; checked. We prefer to employ someone from the neighborhood, just like our cleaning lady and our driver; checked. It would be great to have somebody who is great with kids and experienced raising them; checked. We are really grateful for this.
It is very humane that I wish the figures in my bank account is much more than now. [sigh] It's everyone's wish, I know.... Well, I could spend the whole page just to write things I don't have. My wish list could be abundant. Hey, I think I should spend my time more wisely. I have more things to think about, rather than thinking about things that we don't have. I could breathe blissfully by thinking that I am blessed with everything, comparing to our stance 10 years ago.
Aaah.... if I can still sip a cup of hot tea in the afternoon, while blogging, it means I have a pretty good life.
Bahasa inggrisnya... bikin berdecak. Sementara aku kayanya susah banget milih grammar.Apa toh mbak kuncinya?
Btw, selamat ya, baby girl-nya. Aku kangen lho, sama si Al. Kaya apa dia sekarang ya? Dan Getar... piano? Wow...
Semoga sebentar lagi ada foto keluaga kecil Prestaka di sini...
GBU Mbak (^^)
Thanks, Lita... Kami belum sempat berfoto sekeluarga nih. Begitu ada, pasti akan dipajang di blog ini.
Have a nice weekend!
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