
Dec 28, 2005

End of Year Thoughts

Time really flies. Year 2005 is almost over.

Now, some questions raised, i.e.:
- How did I do in the past 12 months? Was I a good wife, a good mom, a good worker?
- Did I do something extraordinary excellent in the past 12 months?
- Were there any stupidest things I did in the past 12 months?
- What can I do to upgrade my value, as a wife, as a mom, as a worker, for year 2006?
- Are there any dreams I want to fulfill in the near future?
- What can I do more for my family and surroundings?

I got so many things line up in my mind, from family stuffs, work, dreams... I want to do and achieve more in my academic and professional careers, also in the family.

Will The Almighty give me opportunities and ways to fulfill all of my dreams?

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006. May the future bring us prosperous life and spread it to our surroundings, to make a better world. Amien.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year...May Allah bless you.* Lia *