
Sep 19, 2006

Greetings from Prestaka family

Greetings from Bali! We are kind of busy this week, thank goodness, with loaded works to organize an international conference in Bali. This Sunday, Ramadhan month will start, and it means we will have new pattern in life for a whole month. Waking up at dawn, preparing breakfast, have meal, sleep again (?), fasting during the day….then at sunset, we can break the fast. This year, I think I will not be able to do the fasting since I'm expecting. Yet, I still have to wake up at dawn and prepare food!! No excuse :)

Our warmest regards to all of our family and friends all over the world. May Allah Almighty showers His blessings to all of us.


D-eby said...

Mohon lahir bathin pisan yah...
met puasaan juga buat yang berpuasa ;) btw, bumil cuman ikutan siap2in maemannya aja khan yah ?! ok dech keep in posting your pregnancy story (if you have time, of course !)

be ready I might try to call you at your house one of this day..he..he..kangen juga dengerin suaranya jeng nirmala :) (maybe weekend..)

Michael, Ryan , Emily's Mommy said...

Selamat puasa ya Nirmala dan keluarga, dan selamat juga atas pregnancynya..semoga sehat sehat terus, dan ketemu sama Resto PHO-Nya.
Aku malah kangen bakso abang abang nih, tapi nggak ada yang terpaksa makan di Pho Ok lah!