I haven't been feeling good lately. Since mid July, my body was not ok. Nausea, morning sickness, lack of energy....
A-ha! Y'all can guess what's happening, right?
Yes, I am pregnant, again. This is the second one, since more than 6 years. After all these years, now Abdes and I decided that plan of having our second child might be plausible. Waited for two months...after negative result came up in the home-test, then we got the good news.
Eventually, being pregnant does not always equal being pleasant. During the first two months, bed was my favorite place. Kitchen was the place I disliked. Thankfully, my workload was not hectic, so I can enjoy more lazy time at my own pace.
Now I feel much better. The pregnancy has been 11-weeks. I haven't gone to my OBGYN yet. I've scheduled it on Monday at 5 pm. According to my count, the due date will be March 30, 2007. Well, interestingly, if it will be right, the baby's birthday will be on the same months as Abdes and Attarilan. Ha!
About food, I do not like rice lately. I prefer rice cake (ketupat, in Indonesian), pasta, bread, paratta, french-fries. The only food that I would pay a lot to eat it, coz I ain't gettin' it here in Bali, is...Pho-hoa!!!! Yes, vietnamese noodles, with beef steaks, coriander leaves, jalapenos.... Ayayay.... Too bad the Pho-Hoa restaurant in Bali had gone bancrupt years ago coz the investor has been prosecuted due to corruption :(
Alright... wish me luck with my Pho-hunting. If you know a Vietnamese restaurant here in Bali, please let me know....
ahhh acian ..si mummy Getar lagi ngidam pho...coba pho yg dijkt bisa deliver antar propensi. btw ...selamat sekali lagi dengan ke-pregnancy-annya yak. btw, dah ada feeling blum calon si bebe bakal co ato ce ?
BB..alias Bunda Bintang! Belum nemu pho nih! Juga, belum ada feeling si calon bebe bakal boy atau gal. Salam buat si cute Bintang ya...
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